Duke of Edinburgh Award
This award is for youth between the ages of 14 and 25. Youth involved in this program will be challenged to get involved in their community, meet new friends, get physically fit and discover new interests.This program has three levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and each have different requirements for you to fulfill.
In each level there are four sections participants need to complete and in gold there is an additional section as well.
You can register HERE or at through the Duke of Ed Website link below.
When you register select 'RCACS 715 Mohawk' as your Award Unit
For any further question you can contact the website or
speak with Capt. Young.

Service: Connect with your community!
To encourage participants to realize that as members of a community, they have a responsibility to
others and that their help is needed.
Service is a commitment to the needs of others without pay. It is hoped that participants will find pleasure and satisfaction in helping others, leading to a lifelong commitment to voluntary community service. This will take the form of practical service to individuals or the community, such as assisting in homes or institutions, conserving the environment or helping community groups.
Bronze - a minimum of 3 months at an average of one hour per week
Silver - a minimum of 6 months at an average of one hour per week (** If direct entry an additional 6 months is required)
Gold - a minimum of 12 months at an average of one hour per week (** If direct entry an additional 6 months is required)

Skills: Explore your PotentialGoal To encourage the discovery and development of personal
interestsand social and practical skills.
The object is to stimulate participants to take u and persevere at satisfyiing and purposeful interests
within a wide range of practical, social and cultural activites. the choice can either e a continuing and
progressive interest in an activity such as stamp colecting, fishing or playing musical instrunment, a
study of a topic of personal interest such as fashion, money matters, or a definite task to be completed such as making simple pieces of furnitrue or building a boat. In all cases, participants are encouaged to seek out people knowledgeable in the area off their chosen skill, and with the assistance of that person, establish reasonable objectives based on personal experience and knowledge of the chosen skill. In addition to developing skills, participation should lead to further contact with experienced people. This may be through membership ina club or group or throught the wealth of individual expertise availaible in a communtiy.
Bronze - a minimum of 3 months at an average of one hour per week
Silver - a minimum of 6 months at an average of one hour per week (** If direct entry an additional 6 months is required)
Gold - a minimum of 12 months at an average of one hour per week (** If direct entry an additional 6 months is required)

Physical Recreation: Get Moving!GoalThe To encourage participation in physical activity
and provide an opportunity to improve performance and learn to appreacate physical
recreation as an important component of a healthy life style.
The positive benefits of physical recreation and fitness as important components of a healthy life
style have been well documented. This section of the award offers an excellent opportunity to become involved in some form of physical actvity leading toward long-term involvement. This section encourages all participants to reach their full potential in a specific physical activity. Although the degree of training and leaderhsip provided may differ, each person should demonstrate improved eprformance over the requried time-frame.
Bronze - a minimum of 3 months at an average of one hour per week
Silver - a minimum of 6 months at an average of one hour per week (** If direct entry an additional 6 months is required)
Gold - a minimum of 12 months at an average of one hour per week (** If direct entry an additional 6 months is required)
*** An additional 3 months must be dedicated to either Service, Skills or Physical Recreation. This area is marked as your major.
Adventurous Journey: Experience the Outdoors!Goal To develop self-reliance by
undertaking an interesting hourney of discovery. To encourage participants to develp an
awarness of the natural environment, and the importance of proteting it during the
Adventurous Journey.
You people ust undergo approprate training, including sfety precautions. Then they must carry our a
practie journey(s) and finally complete nd Expedition, Exploration or Adventurous Project have soe preconceived purpose of discovery in the our-of-doors. The journey should present a challege in terms of physical effor and fulfllment of its purpose.
Bronze - Practice Journey (1 Day) and a Qualifying Journey (2 days +1 night)
Silver - Practice Journey (2 days + 1 night) and a Qualifying Journey (3 days + 2 nights)
Gold - Practice Journey (2 days + 1 night) and a Qualifying Journey (4 days + 3 nights)

Residential Project: Spend Five Days Working with Others! (Gold Only)
To develop social adaptability through involement with others in a group setting.
The intention is to involve participants in a planned project or training in the company of their peers who are not their usual everyday companions with whom they live or work. The project should provide opportunities to develop maturity and to accept responsibility.
5 days, 4 nights away