Cadet Opportunity - Toronto Careers in Aviation Expo
Here is an opportunity to meet with Canada's leading aviation colleges, universities, flight schools and hiring managers from Canada's...
Swim Comp
SWIM COMP THIS SATURDAY!! Saturday, February 11th we will be attending 540 Goldenhawk Squadron's annual swim competition. The bus will be...

BINGO! Parents, sign up now!
We need volunteers to help out every Sunday with Bingo -- a crucial fundraising source for our cadets. It's easy-peasy, and training is...

715 Cadets Now Recruiting
If you are interesting in joining Canada's Finest, starting September 13th, come see us Tuesday nights between 6:30pm and 9:00pm at the...

New badge placement info
There are new and modified rules about how and where to place your all-important achievement and rank badges on your uniform. CLICK HERE...

Do you have any cadet pictures?
If you have any cadet pictures, please send them to the squadron email. #photo
Got any videos?
Do you have any videos involving the squadron and its activities? Please submit them to the squadron e-mail #video