What do we do?
There are many activities and opportunities available at and through 715 Mohawk Squadron, from flying a plane to adventuring outdoors.
Aviation is an important aspect of the Air Cadet Program. During weekly training, cadets will have the opportunity to learn about different types of aircraft, aviation theory, and will gain more insight into possible aviation careers. In addition to their classroom learning, cadets area also offered the opportunity to Familiarization Days in which they will have a chance to fly in one of our Air Cadet Gliders and possibly even fly it themselves.
The Air Cadet program also offers a Scholarship Program in which, with hard work and dedication, cadets may have the opportunity to earn their Glider Pilots License and Private Pilots License free of charge.
Candidates are chosen based on their attendance, dedecation and performance in the squadron as well as test marks in the local ground school and a final interview.

Drill Team
The drill team is made up of elite members of the squadron who strive for precision and perfection.
Members of this team are required to perform precise and exact ceremonial movements as a team and have high standards of deportment and uniform care.
Throughout the year the drill team will compete and compare their abilities with other cadets from all over the province, in hopes to prove they are the best.
Yearly we run a Drill Team, Advanced Drill Team and Rifle Drill Team.

Our squadron has a Brass and Reed band which consists of drums, trumpets, horns, saxophones, clarinets, flutes and more. No experience is necessary, as the Band Officer and cadets help teach each other how to master their instruments.
715 also has its own instruments, so there is no need to go out and buy one. However, feel free to bring your instrument from home.
Like the drill team the band competes with other cadets throughout the year, in addition to providing musical accompaniments during the Remembrance Day Parade, Christmas Parade and Annual Cadet Review.

The marksmanship program has been specifically designed for youth and is based on Olympic-style competition. Cadets have the option of attending competitions during the training year that challenge their accuracy with the Daisy Air Rifle.
The focus is on teaching cadets the proper use and safe handling of firearms.
Flag Party
A position in the flag party is a position of pride on the cadet parade square, as cadets are separate from the rest of the squadron and are responsible for carrying and protecting the Canadian Flag and the Squadron Banner.
These positions require a high level of drill and deportment and are a position that cadets must try out for to be a part of.

Aircrew Survival (FTX)
Cadets learn outdoors and aircrew survival skills at squadron Field Training Exercises (FTX). This includes building fires, building shelters, map and compass, hiking, and learning how to pack and maintain their personal equipment.
The squadron participates on day hikes as well as weekend exercises where they can practice and learn different survival techniques.

As part of the aircrew survival program, cadets learn how to navigate using map and compass. This skill can be tested and honed on the orienteering team where cadets are required to navigate a route against other cadets to determine who can get from point A to point B the quickest.

Duke of Edinburgh
This is a non-cadet program designed for youth between the ages of 14 and 25. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will give you the chance to set goals and achieve results in a fun and challenging way! You can explore new activities and pursue current interests. You can hang out with others your age, experience incredible adventures you never thought possible, dream big and succeed!
Officers in the cadet program act as guides and leaders aiding cadets through the program; offering their advice, experience and supervision.
Through The Award’s three levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) you’ll have the chance to tackle and make great strides in the following areas:
Community Service
Adventurous Journey
Physical Fitness
Residential Project
Cadets whom complete the program will be awarded a prestigious award for their dedication and effort.
Bronze - Community ceremony of recognition with pin and certificate
Silver - Provincial ceremony of recognition with the pin and certificate awarded by the Lieutenant Governor or Commissioner of Canada
Gold - National ceremony of recognition with the pin and certificate awarded by a member of the Royal Family, the Governor General or a notable Canadian
Sports and Fitness
Cadets are not required to meet a specific level of physical fitness but, promoting physical fitness is one of the aims of the Cadet Movement. They are encouraged to improve their fitness level throughout the year and are assessed twice a year to determine their level of fitness.
Cadets who display high levels of fitness are awarded badges that depict the level they achieved which they can wear on their uniform.

Summer Training
Each summer basic, advanced, national, and familiarization training courses are offered to cadets all over the country.
Courses offered at Air Cadet summer training include leadership, flying scholarship, fitness and sports, survival, military band, pipe band, aerospace, aviation technology, and marksmanship.
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