Change of Command - Tues Apr 4th
Wow we can't even believe it, Change of Command is next Tuesday! Remember that for cadets this is a Mandatory event, so please come...

Vimy Lapel Pins for Sale
For one week only (this coming Tuesday), we will be ordering 100 Anniversary Vimy Lapel pins at Canteen and after closing. Pins will be...
Summer Training Applications Due
Reminder to everyone that Summer Training Applications are Due next Tuesday, March 21st. Any Applications handed in after that date may...
March Break Standown
What a busy year its been so the Staff at 715 wish everyone a fun and relaxing March Break. Remember there is no cadets next week and we...

Sports Night - Mar 7th
Sports Night Tomorrow! We are not at legion but will be having a sports night. Where: Ascension Elementary School 5205 New St,...