Training for Tuesday October 31st has been cancelled due to some feedback on it being Halloween night. We will reschedule dressing up in...
Sports Evening - Optional Activity
Sports! Tonight at 1900hrs (7pm) to 2100hrs (9pm) at the Legion. We will do some fun activities and discuss sports that cadets want to do...
Remembrance Day Events
Poppy Sales (Nov 2-4) - Click Here to Sign Up Cadets are being requested to assist our Legion in their Annual Poppy Campaign. The basic...
Power Familiarization Day
We are offering cadets a chance to fly in a single engine aircraft on our power familiarization day. ​ Cadets can sign up for either a...

Range Oct 18
For only those listed to attend
Fall FTX
Where and When Cadets are to be at Mt Nemo Scout Camp between 1730 hrs (5:30pm) and 1800 hrs (6:00pm)13th of October. Cadets are to be...
Gliding Oct 7th
The following cadets have been selected to attend gliding this weekend. LAC Kandula LAC Ruetas, J LAC Ruetas, A Cpl Horvath Cpl...